Kay requested the Article 11
amendment reflect the changes to the existing Article. The changes are set forth
in the attached Motion to amend Article 11 [1.1].
Kay also suggested a more specific
appeal process in Bylaw 47. That suggestion was also made by at least one other
person. The attached Motion to add Bylaw 47 [1.1] includes a appeal process.
Bylaw 47 would be a new Bylaw. Current Bylaw 47 would be renumbered Bylaw
Minor changes were made in the
“whereas” clauses as well.
In accordance with Article 9 of the
Articles of Association I am forwarding copies of the following motions
[versions 1.1] to amend Article 11, add ByLaw 47,
amend Bylaw 42 and amend the Rules and Regulations concerning elections and
withdraw the prior versions of the motions. I realize only the Motion to amend
Article 11 is required to be submitted 30 days prior to the meeting, but since
all of the motions are related and to some extent inter-connected I am
forwarding at this time.