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Vol. 42, No. 1

January 6, 2017

Covers the period December 24 – December 30, 2016



Upcoming In-Person Meetings and Events


Logbook Study Committee

January 18, 2017 @ HQ, Newington, CT


New Director and Vice Director Orientation

January 18, 2017 @ HQ, Newington, CT


Administration & Finance Committee Meeting

January 19, 2017 @ HQ, Newington, CT


Programs & Services Committee Meeting

January 19, 2017 @ W1AW, Newington, CT


Annual Board Meeting

January 20 – 21, 2017 @ Windsor, CT


Southeastern Division Convention,

February 9 – 13, 2017 @ Orlando, FL


Hamvention  2017

May 19 – 21, 2017 @ Xenia, OH



Chief Executive Office

Reported by Tom Gallagher, NY2RF


Planning and preparations continue for the January 2017 Annual Board Meeting.




Reported by Lauren Clarke, KB1YDD


The Gift Agreement between ARRL and Edward L. Snyder, MD, W1YSM, a doctor with Yale-New Haven Hospital in New Haven, CT, has been finalized and is in the process of being signed. Dr. Snyder met Tom Gallagher at Boxboro at an Amateur Radio Collegiate event. Through this Gift Agreement, Dr. Snyder is gifting $100,000 to ARRL to establish the W1YSM Snyder Family Collegiate Amateur Radio Endowment Fund. Proceeds from this fund will support the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative. 


Development had a very strong end of year, exceeding goals for the Education & Technology Fund, the Legislative Issues Advocacy Fund, and Diamond Club.  Actual numbers will be reported next week. 


Lauren Clarke continues to work closely with the Development/Marketing AIS Team to develop the future database to ensure it meets all the needs of Development.     



Education Services

Reported by Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ


Teacher Registration

Instructor Registration

Graduation Kit Requests

License Class Listings






We continue to reply to inquiries about issues with the instructor registration and feedback system. IT staff are working on the problem.


Education & Technology Program

Debra worked on developing the resource list for the 2017 Teachers Institute, revising copy for the brochure and writing an article about 2017 plans for the March issue of QST.


ARISS Contacts

A telebridge contact with students at the Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado “Niccolò Pisano” in Marina di Pisa, Italy, was successful on December 15. Two direct contacts between French astronaut Thomas Pesquet and schools in Saint Sylvestre and Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, France were successful December 21 and December 31.



Field Services

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N


Thank you to the mailroom staff for sending out the Section Manager election ballot mailing to members in the Arizona, Kentucky, Iowa, and North Texas ARRL sections. ARRL members in these sections will have until Friday, February 17, to return their ballots to Headquarters. Ballot counting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 20.     


The Field Organization branch continued to receive and review 2016 section-related expense reports from around the country in advance of the receipt deadline.  



Joe processed one Qualifying Run certificate and two endorsements. He processed regular QSL card requests and created the January 2017 W1AW Qualifying Run texts. He also constructed seven new coaxial patch cables to be used with the antenna patch-panel’s high-power band pass filters.


Scott worked on slow and fast code practice texts for the upcoming week.  He also processed VUCC certificates and endorsements. Scott electronically archived the 2016 bulletins, and prepared the bulletin generation program (for 2017).




Reported by Diane Petrilli, KB1RNF

After a 25% dues increase (the first in 15 years), we have come in remarkably close to membership forecast. We ended December with 164,070 members -- 252 members ahead of the year-end goal. The annual membership loss was 3.79%; slightly less than the 4.0% loss forecast. We had a net loss of 6,458 members; 6,710 was forecast. 

Below is a comparison of acquisitions for this year vs. last year. Field–based recruitment is down to 3%. 




Direct Mail - 120 days






Web site



Field-based Recruitment



Renewal notices






New Ham Mailings



All other sources










Reported by Norm Fusaro, W3IZ



Paper/Fieldcheck Processing Time

3 Weeks (only processing 2016)

Logbook Processing Time

Only processing 2016 apps



Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations

Lauren Clarke              01/19                           PTO

Steve Ford                    01/24                           PTO

Tom Gallagher             01/19 – 01/21               ARRL Annual Board Meeting, Windsor, CT

“                      02/10 – 02/12               Southeastern Division Convention, Orlando, FL

Scott Gee                     02/20 – 02/24               PTO

Perry Green                                                      Medical Leave

Dan Henderson            12/05 – 01/09               Medical Leave

            “                      01/19 – 01/21               ARRL Annual Board Meeting, Windsor, CT

Bart Jahnke                  02/09 – 02/12               Southeastern Division Convention, Orlando, FL

Gail Iannone                 10/07 – 02/05               Sick Leave

Bob Inderbitzen            02/09 – 02/13               Southeastern Division Convention, Orlando, FL

Debra Johnson             01/27                           PTO

            “                      01/30                           PTO

Carla Pereira                01/18 – 01/21               ARRL Annual Board Meeting, Windsor, CT

Barry Shelley               01/19 – 01/21               ARRL Annual Board Meeting, Windsor, CT



Sincerely Compiled by,

Carla Pereira, Assistant to CEO