12 NOV, 2004 - 0930 CST
Thanks to one of my friends and constituents for tipping me off to
article below. What follows is an extremely thoughtful piece about
down the pollution of the RF spectrum. It's too bad the FCC does
not now
subscribe to the principles put forth in this article.
73 - Dick, W9GIG
Jack Ganssle
(11/10/04, 18:20:00 PM EST)
In 1998 an anti-shoplifting device reset a man's pacemaker. He collapsed,
but a nearby nurse's quick application of CPR saved his life.
Recently various
sources reported that a malfunctioning flat-screen TV emitted
radiation on the 121.5MHz band, one reserved for emergency radio beacons.
Law enforcement zeroed in on the location of the false distress call and
descended on the college student's room. He was ordered to leave the set
Old timers will remember AM radio transmissions being obliterated every
time a car with a poorly-maintained ignition system drove by.
Last month the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) deregulated
broadband over power lines (BPL), a fascinating technology that promises
to put high-speed Internet access at every household outlet.
Unfortunately the licenses permit operation between 2 and 80MHz, a huge
swath of spectrum currently occupied by numerous other services. Ham
radio and cellular advocates are up in arms, concerned that BPL will
generate tremendous amounts of interference. It seems to me that BPL
violates the basic tenet of good RF engineering: constrain unwanted
radiation using twisted pair or coax. Power lines do flip over each other
once or twice per mile, but only to limit the 5 million meter wavelength
of 60Hz radiation. At HF frequencies the wires are very effective
chart dramatically illustrates how jam-packed the spectrum is.
The anti-BPL community complains that there's really no need for this
technology. DSL and broadband-over-cable are everywhere today. Here in
Baltimore I consistently get 3MB/sec downloads via Comcast's cable
network, for a reasonable (considering just how much I use this service)
$70 or so per month.
For ethical reasons we engineers have a responsibility to limit unwanted
RF emissions. When electronic products interfere with each other everyone
loses. Hospitals, for instance, are radio wastelands where too many
pagers, cell phones, and products with embedded systems all emit so much
noxious RF that many systems just don't work properly.
The FCC and European Union's Conformit Europenne (CE) regulations mandate
certain limits for radio interference. Design a product that breaks the
rules and you'll face heavy fines. The law requires that an independent
lab certifies requires most products.
Long ago I merely scraped through the two electromagnetics courses all
EEs were required to take. The teacher was quite proud of the
"elegant" del and curl notation of Maxwell's laws. Though the
equations sure were pretty to look at, they never made much sense to me.
But I was planning to be a digital engineer so figured electromagnetics
would be as useful to my career as celestial mechanics.
Then I got a job calculating satellite orbits on a 360/95. And computer
speeds climbed from 1MHz to nearly infinity. Today's sub-nanosecond
switching speeds means even a 4MHz microcontroller spews excessive levels
of RFI.
As concerned citizens we have a responsibility to conserve the
environment in this case the scarce natural resource of the radio
spectrum. We embedded developers are custodians of this precious
resource. Follow the FCC and CE rules, of course. But go a step further.
Some CPUs have programmable slew rates for outputs. Use the slowest
transitions your system will allow. Keep clock rates as low as possible.
Use multilayer PCBs to control emissions. Enter sleep mode rather than an
idle loop. Use fiber rather than long copper cables.
We all want the benefits of wireless electronics. Carelessly designed
spectrum-polluting embedded systems will make that dream much harder to
As will poor FCC decisions.
Jack G. Ganssle is a lecturer and consultant on embedded
development issues. He conducts seminars on embedded systems and helps
companies with their embedded challenges. Contact him at
jack@ganssle.com. His website is