Heads up. EC minutes have been posted should you receive any questions from members. 73,Rick - K5UR ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: ARRL Web site <memberlist@arrl.org>To: "k5ur@aol.com" <k5ur@aol.com>Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 11:50:15 AM CSTSubject: Executive Committee Meeting December 2023 Minutes Dear ARRL Member: You are subscribed to receive agendas and minutes of ARRL Board and Executive Committee Meetings. Here is the link to the minutes for the Executive Committee Meeting, which was held December, 14th 2023. You may also access meeting agendas and minutes at www.arrl.org/board-meetings. Executive Committee Meeting December 2023 Minutes You are receiving this email because you have opted into this notification. To modify your email subscription preferences, please visitwww.arrl.org/opt-in-out, or contact our Members Services team atmembers@arrl.org. Thank you for being an active and engaged member. Danielle Bialoglowy Executive Assistant ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® 225 Main St. Newington, CT 06111 dbialoglowy@arrl.org www.arrl.org To unsubscribe from messages, go to: http://p1k.arrl.org/oo/55c2b68868fd5fed5180fcec56239a5b