I too would like to congratulate everyone involved. Bob Inderbitzen did an outstanding job making it happen. Everyone that stopped by, stated how much they liked the expo.
Jim Haynie 
-----Original Message-----
From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ <dsumner@arrl.org>
To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org>
Sent: Mon, 23 May 2005 08:10:10 -0400
Subject: [arrl-odv:12395] ARRL EXPO

Before I get too wrapped up in the new week I want to take a moment to thank everyone who pitched in to make the 2005 ARRL National Convention one to remember. When the idea of holding the National in Dayton in 2005 first surfaced, a bit later than usual, I remember thinking that it would be a challenge to pull everything together in time. It was, after all, just ten months ago that the Board approved the convention and the ad hoc committee was appointed to plan the event.
The result is a wonderful example of an effective partnership between Board and staff. In just seven weeks, Tom Frenaye's committee of Jay Bellows, Wade Walstrom, Jim Weaver, and Dennis Motschenbacher created the vision for the event. As I reread their September 9, 2004 report this morning it is striking how many of their recommendations were effectively implemented. Once the budget was nailed down in January, detailed planning by staff could be completed. So many staff and volunteers were involved that it would be unfair to try to name everyone right now -- I would be certain to leave people out -- but it also seems unfair not to mention Bob Inderbitzen, who was key to "making it happen."
We'll be doing a detailed "post mortem" once the dust settles enough for us to know the key stats. For now, suffice it to say that this was far and away the most successful ARRL National Convention of the modern era. I know there are things that can be improved -- and we'll have to, because we've now "raised the bar" for all time -- but it seems unlikely to me that we will ever be able to exceed members' expectations as startlingly as we did with ARRL EXPO.
Thanks again!
Dave Sumner, K1ZZ