All: I’ve attached to this message a copy of pages 52-53 of the ARRL 2014-15 Plan which was e-mailed to the Board in early December and approved at the Annual Meeting in January. These pages serve as the summary of the IT Department’s tasks and priorities for 2014. The information below is intended to supplement that information as requested. First, I have to point out that all of the software development projects require work from several departments, not simply IT. Users have significant responsibilities in the development of the specifications as well as the testing of the written code so allocation of resources is important for several different departments in each project. The IT Dept. personnel who will be referenced below include programmers Michael Keane (MK), Dennis Budd (DB), Maureen Farmer (MF), database engineer John Proctor (JP), and infrastructure and network staff Andy Shefrin (AS), Andrew Peichert (AP) and Adam Bernard (AB). It should be noted that while MK isn’t referenced with each project, he will play some role in each one depending on needs. I will use the reference numbers in the attached document in the reporting below. It should also be noted that we need to complete 2 holdover projects from last year, the Centennial QSO Party (MK and MF) and the Travel Plus Android App (DB). As an aside the programming staff, depending on where a particular project is in its timeline, could be working on more than one project at a time. High Priorities: 1. Membership and Subscription Module – This will be a team effort in IT using MF, DB, JP and MK. We won’t begin this project until after the initial coding is done on #2 & #3 in the high priority list and completion will extend into 2015. 2. Wholesale pub sales module – DB is the lead on this. As it uses some of the same methodology of the e-store, this project is expected to be completed in Q2 of this year. 3. New DXCC – MF is the primary programmer on this project which is likely to take most of 2014 to complete. 4. Web site – AP is the lead in design and developing an improved hardware infrastructure for the ARRL web site. New hardware similar to that employed with LoTW has been ordered (will be leased from Rackspace, the web site host) and testing will begin in the near future. Likely implementation is about 2 months. Medium Priorities: 1. LoTW – Other than immediate situations which will be handled by MK, this work will fall to the new programmer. Items a, b and c are defined as “filling the hole” of technical debt while d and e are enhancements that have been listed for a while. 2. Local network reconfiguration – AP and AS. Project is beginning this month and equipment has been ordered. 3. Upgrade web site software components – MK will be the lead on this one. 4. Improve newsletter deliveries – In effect, this is part of #3 above. 5. Member authentication for exam generation – Likely DB but do not have specifications as of yet. Low Priorities: 1. Upgrade desktop software – AS and AB. 2. Contest 2020 – Futures project, no specs yet but likely MK and J If there are any questions, please let me know. I will be traveling to VA beginning early tomorrow morning for up to a week, depending on the success or lack thereof, of my daughter's college basketball team. I will have access to e-mail while traveling and will try to respond, but responses may not be immediate. 73, Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY Chief Financial Officer ARRL, Inc.