

There has been some recent discussion on ODV about us producing a separate digital edition of QST for the visually impaired or making our current digital edition more compatible with devices used by the blind and visually impaired.  The more that I delve into this, the more complicated it appears.   Anecdotally, we have heard that some visually impaired members can use the current digital edition with the proper hardware and software tools. Bob Inderbitzen is checking this with a member that he has worked with in this area.  I have also sent an inquiry to the Library of Congress, who has supplied an audio version of QST to the visually impaired for years,  since we have heard that they have updated their accessible edition of QST with digital technology.  I am waiting for their response.


                Magdalena has inquired and she has learned that  Nxtbook does provide a version of their digital platform that is more accessible to the visually impaired.  The magazine is reformatted for easier access and it does include pictures and graphics.  This edition is selected by the user by pushing a button on the top menu of the current browser-based digital edition of QST.  This opens a separate URL that connects to and opens the accessible edition.  A version of the accessible edition also appears on smart phones and tablets.


This accessible edition costs $500/month.  However, cost is not the main factor.  The problem is that Nxtbook has no capability at present of enabling Digital Rights Management (DRM)on this edition.  Therefore, the URL can be sent to anyone who could then openly access this version of QST.  The URL can (and will!) also be posted on websites for anyone to access.  Magdalena has asked Nxtbook for an estimate of adding DRM to the browser and mobile accessible versions and we are awaiting their response.


                After I receive the requested information, I will share it with you and we can go from there.








Harold Kramer, WJ1B

Chief Operating Officer

ARRL -the national association for Amateur Radio

225 Main Street

Newington, CT 06111

(860) 594 -0220
