In ARRL-ODV:9590 on October 9 I mentioned that we were working on getting the U.S. to submit a paper to ITU-R Working Party 1A documenting the low signal levels and sensitive receivers used by the amateur service along with the fact that amateurs don't have the flexibility to locate their antennas away from power lines.

Paul Rinaldo and his staff managed to get the paper navigated through the submission process and it is now an ITU document (attached).

A second submission to WP 1A on the subject (also principally drafted by Paul and his staff, although Ken Pulfer, VE3PU, is listed as the author) has been made by the IARU and is also attached. (It has been numbered Document 1A/10 but is not yet available on the ITU Web site.) This document also will be considered at the WP 1A meeting in Geneva October 30 - November 5. Walt Ireland is on the US delegation; Ken Pulfer will represent the IARU.

The objective is to establish in ITU documentation that the BPL emission levels required for compatibility are very low and thereby to put BPL proponents on the defensive. ITU-R is strongly biased in favor of over-the-air services and against unnecessary and unwanted emissions, so WP 1A should be a friendly forum for us on this issue.

Dave K1ZZ

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