This morning the FCC confirmed that amateurs are required to cease operating in the 3.45 – 3.5 GHz segment by April 14, so this can (and should) be publicly stated.  Secondary operation is permitted to continue indefinitely on 3.3 – 3.45 GHz, pending expected future FCC proceedings.





From: "david@davidsiddall-law.com" <david@davidsiddall-law.com>
Date: Friday, January 14, 2022 at 4:50 PM
To: arrl-odv <arrl-odv-bounces@reflector.arrl.org>
Subject: Date for Amateur Operations to Cease Using 3.45-3.5 GHz Segment




Just a heads’ up:


This afternoon the Commission released DA 22-39 in which it announced the results of Auction 110 for the 3.45-3.55 GHz band.  The FCC’s Rules provide that “Amateur operations between 3450 MHz and 3500 MHz must cease within 90 days of the public notice announcing the close of the auction for the 3.45 GHz Service.”


I have asked the FCC staff to confirm that based on today’s release, the date by which all amateur operations must cease in the covered spectrum is April 14, 2022.  Once this exact date is confirmed, I’ll inform you and staff so that an appropriate notice can be made.  I do think it best to wait for FCC staff confirmation, but I haven’t experienced problems counting days for regulatory purposes so I expect that April 14 will be the date.


In the meantime, as some have inquired this week, weak signal work in this weekend’s ARRL competition can continue on 3.456 GHz.  It will be somewhat a “last hurrah”, but operators can move to just below 3.450 in the immediate future and continue, at least until that spectrum’s future is determined.


73,  Dave K3ZJ




David R. Siddall

Managing Partner


1629 K St. NW, Ste 300

Washington, DC 20006

direct: +1 202 559 4690


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