Doug K4AC -----Original Message----- From: FCG [mailto:fcg-bounces@kkn.net] On Behalf Of Pete Rimmel N8PR Sent: Monday, June 9, 2014 8:09 AM To: Fcg@Kkn. Net; QCWA; SFDXA Subject: Re: [FCG] Bad News - W1AW/4 All, Well, just heard from them... The damage around their house was pretty bad, but the house only suffered minor roof damage. Thank God! Jim checked on the other operators and all had made it home safely. His station is off the air, but Jim and Bonnie are fine and in good spirits from what I can tell... This is a much better picture that we had at 22:00Z... What we knew at that time had us all worried to death... 73, Rick K4TD -----Original Message----- - W1AW/4 All, The WX had been very uncooperative down here this week... Line after line of thunderstorms with high winds, heavy rain and lightning... The QRN was horrific sometimes... But today it went from bad to worse... One of our guys (KC4HW) was hosting a multi-OP W1AW/4 event at his home in lower Alabama. We were coordinating with them on band selection between the two stations to maximize coverage... They were supposed to take 20CW from me (operating from AB4B), but they called to say they had lost power... A bit later they called back to say they had had a direct hit from a tornado... Not much news from them except that everyone is safe and that the ham station was totally gone; everything scattered all over the place... I'm hoping to hear more soon. Please keep that family in your prayers. We were already playing this week shorthanded due to vacations and business travel; now one of the major stations in Alabama is just gone... 73, Rick K4TD _______________________________________________ FCG mailing list Send mail - FCG@kkn.net Change/edit subscription info - http://www.kkn.net/mailman/listinfo/fcg FCG Web site - www.floridacontestgroup.org Facebook - http://tinyurl.com/4xw5jr7 _______________________________________________ FCG mailing list Send mail - FCG@kkn.net Change/edit subscription info - http://www.kkn.net/mailman/listinfo/fcg FCG Web site - www.floridacontestgroup.org Facebook - http://tinyurl.com/4xw5jr7