Ladies & Gentlemen: The following message received from Rich Moseson, W2VU, the editor of CQ Magazine today: Hi Tom, I just want to give you a heads-up that there will be a couple of articles critical of ARRL actions in the upcoming December issue of CQ. First, my editorial (which has a different primary focus) takes issue with the way in which the board went about dealing with the election in the Southeastern Division. (We do not take a position on whether the action was justified or not, but rather on the process and the perceptions.) Secondly, our DX column takes issue with the rate increase for the Outgoing QSL Bureau, particularly the impact on the "little-guy" DXer of the per-transaction "processing fee" on top of the higher per-ounce rates. For those who will almost certainly accuse us of "League-bashing," I want to emphasize that we are taking issue with certain actions of the organization, not the organization itself. Both our DX Editor and I are long-time ARRL members who have served in various volunteer roles over many years. Shifting gears, I understand you will be in my back yard early next month when you come down to New Jersey to speak to the Fair Lawn Amateur Radio Club. I spoke there earlier this year and found the group to be responsive and enthusiastic. In fact, just yesterday, I ran into one member who thanked me for changing his outlook on what makes someone a "real ham." My wife and I will do our best to attend. All the best to you and everyone in Newington for a very Happy Thanksgiving. Vy 73, Rich Moseson, W2VU Editor, CQ I am passing this to you immediately, without the benefit of time to absorb it. More will follow. Tom