I'm not certain we are in time to attempt to influence a change, but we definitely need to try.

Many services use the signal as part of their calibration protocol.  Maybe the University would be interested in  keeping Boulder on the air like the University of Alaska, Fairbanks did with portions of HAARP. Just a thought.

73 and good Hamming
Jim, K7CEX

To be wronged is nothing, unless you continue to remember it...Confucius

On Aug 14, 2018 10:13 PM, "Richard J. Norton" <richardjnorton@gmail.com> wrote:
Is it in the interests of Amateur Radio and the ARRL that WWV and WWVH continue to broadcast time and propagation information?

As shown on

and even onĀ 

it looks like there is a significant chance of them shutting down.

There is support among the Amateur Radio community to keep them operating.

I propose we send Congress correspondence indicating our support for maintaining operations.

This might be accomplished using our lobbying firm.


Dick Norton, N6AA