Absolutely, Marty, the Petition is public record. Talk it up all you want. The more band-active member input for ARRL's strategizing on this, the better.
73, Chris W3KD

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On Aug 27, 2013, at 4:05 AM, "Marty Woll" <n6vi@socal.rr.com> wrote:

Thanks, Chris.  Is it correct to say that Mimosa's petition is a matter of public record?  If so, I think it's important that we seek input as soon as possible from members active on this band, of which I know many, and from those planning or designing applications for segments other than the well known weak-signal portion.  For example, the segment we now recommend for Gunnplexers may see a resurgence of activity as inexpensive DROs are employed in manner similar to the Gunn oscillators of thirty years ago. In short, I would like to be able to go public with this right now and not wait until the FCC starts the clock as we did with HR3630.
Marty N6VI