My note regarding the FCC fees went out to the Great Lakes Division early Saturday afternoon. 

I have received a number of notes of appreciation for making the matter quite clear.

Soon, the fun began as one constituent reported that he was now eating a lot of crow.  He said it goes down a lot better with ketchup.



On 3/21/2021 1:38 AM, Michael Ritz wrote:
Thanks, Bud. It's so well written I plagiarized it for my Division! ;-)
On 03/20/2021 6:16 PM Bud Hippisley <> wrote:
Here is what I am sending to the Roanoke Division (thanks to K3ZJ’s letter to us):
* * * * *
To all Roanoke Division ARRL Members:
Contrary to what you may have heard or read, the collection of application fees for the amateur radio service and certain other services will NOT begin  on April 19, 2021.
Although April 19, 2021 is the date the rules in the FCC Report and Order adopted last December generally take effect – i.e., one month after the R&O was published in the March 19, 2021 Federal Register – certain parts of those rules, including collection of the application fees for the amateur radio service, will NOT begin on that date. 
The effective date for new amateur radio fees has not yet been established. The FCC explicitly states in the published Notice that the fees will not take effect until:
     *  the requisite notice has been provided to Congress; AND
     *  the FCC’s information technology systems and internal procedures have been updated; AND
     *  the Commission publishes [FUTURE] notice(s) in the Federal Register announcing the effective date of such rules.
The League’s counsel for FCC matters estimates that the effective start date for collecting the fees will be some time this summer, but regardless of the exact timing we will have advance notice.
Bud Hippisley, W2RU
Director, Roanoke Division
* * * * *
Bud, W2RU
On Mar 20, 2021, at 1:01 AM, Roderick, Rick, K5UR via arrl-odv <> wrote:
Dave Minster tells me that Dave Siddall and Becky are working on an article about the fees issue. Dave Minster can provide an update when he checks in here.  
In the meantime, Directors might consider a Division email using Mr. Siddall’s information in ODV:32148 stating that the date for the fees has not been established yet. I believe some Dirs and SM’s have already done so.
Rick – K5UR
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