December 2, 2004
In accordance with Standing Order 19, you are hereby notified that the formal call for the 2005 Annual Meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors, January 21-22, 2005, will be mailed on or about December 20.

Please note the provisions of Article 9 of the ARRL Articles of Association:

Our meeting will be held at the Hartford/Windsor Airport Marriott, 88 Day Hill Rd., Windsor, CT.

A group dinner is scheduled for Thursday evening, January 20. The Board meeting will begin at 8:30am Friday and is expected to be completed by dinnertime Saturday. Expenses related to Board Meeting attendance and travel will only be reimbursed for Thursday through Sunday. Should your membership on a committee require you to arrive earlier to attend a meeting of that committee, the additional expenses will be charged to the appropriate committee account.

Revised Standing Order 92-1.75 reads: "The Board of Directors authorizes the attendance of Vice Directors at Board Meetings. Expenses for attendance at one Board Meeting per year will be chargeable to the Board Meeting account. Vice Directors are encouraged to attend the Annual meeting whenever possible."

President Haynie has invited the presidents of our IARU sister societies to the north and south, Earle Smith, VE6NM (RAC) and Carlos Levy, XE1YK (FMRE) to attend, and both expect to do so.

David Sumner, K1ZZ