Just for your information in case you get a question, the
following notice is being posted on the ARRL web site as I write this note.
Comcast only blacklisted one of the many servers that processes arrl.net
messages and it took us a long time to even get them to admit that they were.
Hence the backlog of messages.
Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY
Chief Financial Officer
ARRL, Inc—The National
Association for Amateur Radio
225 Main St.
Newington, CT 06111
Phone: (860) 594-0212
E-mail: bshelley@arrl.org
Comcast Partially Blocking ARRL.net Forwarding Service
Comcast, one of the largest cable providers in the country,
was blocking e-mail traffic from one of the servers that processes messages for
the ARRL.net Forwarding Service. This resulted in a disruption of service to
those 5,512 ARRL members who have their callsign@arrl.net
e-mail forwarded to a Comcast.net e-mail address.
We have been in contact with Comcast and have finally been
to convince them to remove the blockage. Their actions have caused a
significant backlog of messages which will take the next several hours to
clear. Unfortunately, messages that were bounced will need to be resent.
We apologize for the inconvenience.