I will try not to make too much traffic on this topic on the reflector. But, I thought you should see this announcement that has been made on the WSJT Development email reflector by K1JT, Joe Taylor. Unfortunately, the people who are using the new submode and causing the most of the interference problems are not US operators. However, US operators do help create the interference problem when they reply to a DX operation that uses ill-advised frequencies in the digital mode sub-bands. It is hard to make a DXer think twice about joining a pileup, but we might want to ask for some sensibility in this situation. DX operators (who might send $ in a QSL request or not) can make a difference. Joe's email: "Premature use of FT8 DXpedition Mode Everyone paying attention should already know what's contained in this message -- but it's clear that some do not. The current General Availability (GA) release of WSJT-X is v1.8.0. That program version does not include FT8 DXpedition Mode. We have made beta-level "release candidates" available for the explicit purpose of testing FT8 DXpedition Mode. The release candidates have included cautionary warnings to the effect that in its present form, DXpedition Mode should be used only for controlled testing. A few operators or groups have ignored our warnings and tried to use FT8 DXpedition Mode in true pileup situations. The consequences are predictably bad -- especially when the offending operator(s) have chosen their frequencies badly and other operators are using a mix of program versions including v1.8.0, v1.9.0-rc2, v1.9.0-rc3, some version of JTDX. FT8 DXpedition Mode is not yet ready for “production” use. Until WSJT-X v1.9.0 is fully released -- not a beta-level "release candidate", but a full General Availability release -- DXpedition Mode should be used only in controlled test situations. The next public test of FT8 DXpedition Mode conducted by the WSJT Development Group will be conducted on April 7, a little over a week from now. You are cordially invited to join us for this test. See the announcement posted here yesterday (Subject: WSJT-X v1.9.0-rc3: Testing of FT8 DXpedition Mode) for details. -- 73, Joe, K1JT" If we do make an announcement on the ARRL web site, it should use this information. 73, Ned