At the July meeting at
Minute 32, the board voted to seat an Ad-hoc committee as
"32. On motion of Mr.
Bodson, seconded by Mr. Norton, it was VOTED that the ARRL Board of Directors
establishes an ad hoc study committee to review Part 97 of the rules governing
the Amateur Radio Service to ascertain what rule change(s) would be beneficial
to promote wideband digital modes while at the same time minimizing potential
interference to narrowband modes."
I've delayed appointing
this committee for a couple of reasons. First, we just recently went through an
evolution that would have done this very thing......regulation by bandwidth.
Minute 32 didn't go unnoticed by those that opposed it, and I received a
number of emails suggesting it was an end around attempt to reintroduce
regulation by bandwidth and, of course, at the same time attempt to
eliminate the use of AM on the ham bands!
I also received
recommendations from a couple of directors for radio amateurs in their division
that were "digital" experts that they felt should be appointed to this
If I appoint only digital
people to this committee then the anti regulation by bandwidth crowd will cry
foul. If I appoint various non-board people from all aspects of ham radio to
this committee representing all sides nothing will be accomplished due to
the severe hatred that exists between some of these groups.
If I appoint
directors or vice directors to this committee we will be accused of not
soliciting input from the amateur community and it may place some of you in
an uncomfortable position within your division.
Therefore, after
consultation with the Vice Presidents and the Executive Committee, the ad-hoc
committee is appointed as follows:
First Vice President
Vice President
President-International Affairs Stafford
Executive Vice President
General Counsel
I will serve as an
ex-officio member of the committee.
We will review where are
post "regulation by bandwidth proposal", and follow the directive of the motion
adopted by the board and provide a recommendation back to the board on our
conclusions in accordance with the motion.
73 Joel