Rod, good ideas here - mostly along the lines of embellishing what we already offer and promoting it more heavily. Incremental gains for incremental expense that will surely slow the rate of membership decline. Perhaps it is the province of the Board to explore broader options such as: a) Increasing the number of enthusiastic, active hams within the existing licensee pool b) Evolving our member benefits to appeal to the next layer of licensees outside our current core 73, Art W6XD ----- Original Message ----- From: "Rod Stafford W6ROD" <w6rod@ix.netcom.com> To: "arrl-odv" <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 11:16 PM Subject: [ARRL-ODV:9866] Recruitment and Retention Committee
Attached is the R&R Committee Report to the Board for the upcoming Board of Directors Meeting. 73, Rod W6ROD