Vol. 30, No. 35
August 29, 2007 -- Covers the period August 19-25.
Upcoming Meetings and Events
Executive Committee
October 6 in Little Rock, AR
United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)
October 8-12 – ARRL HQ
Ballot Counting for Director/Vice Director Elections
November 16 in Newington, CT
Administration &Finance Committee
November 17 in Newington, CT
Media & Public Relations
Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP
Meetings are set for this week to coordinate coming activities with Education, Marketing and Membership. CONTACT! will go out at the end of the week with material about National Preparedness Month (September) and Amateur Radio Awareness Day (September 15). Allen will be on vacation Aug 30 – Sept 4.
Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE
Khrystyne Keane wrote and prepared The ARRL Letter, Vol. 26, No. 34, for Friday, August 24. It was distributed to 65,742 members, an increase of 236 over last week. Khrystyne also voiced and produced the August 24 edition of ARRL Audio News. She also wrote stories about the 2007 ARRL National Convention and GAREC-07, among others.
Joel Hallas reports that his popular "Getting to Know Your Radio" semi-monthly column will be closing down after the October 2007 issue of QST. Running in even-numbered months since April 2005, it covered many aspects of radio operation with the intention of helping readers understand "what's behind the panel" of their HF and VHF radios. It will be replaced, starting in the December issue, with a new semi-monthly series designed to help readers with new amateur licenses get their stations up and running.
Sales and Marketing
Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R
The newly implemented online membership application has been operating successfully, with Web Services working thru a few minor adjustments. Already, we’re realizing a significant efficiency in data entry since credit cards are automatically processed online.
According to Charlie Emerson, N4OKL, vice president of the Huntsville Hamfest Association, more than 5,000 people enjoyed the ARRL National Convention and hamfest, held August 18-19. We signed-up more than 150 new and renewing members throughout the event. Publication sales are being tallied.
Our corporate apparel distributor, Barker Specialties, has redesigned its ARRL web store. The site includes some updated product offerings, and some slow-movers have been phased-out. Among the new product offerings are a few new items specifically designed for women. Some new men’s styles are also being introduced. You can review the new items at www.barkerspecialty.com/arrl and in the ARRL lobby store.
Katie attended Manufacturers Day at Ham Radio Outlet in Salem, NH over the weekend. The event was well attended—drawing over 300 people to the store. Representatives from Icom, Yaesu, Kenwood and MFJ were on-hand to talk about their products. Katie returned with a few membership applications, too.
A two-page ad introducing the 2008 ARRL Handbook and new editions of ARRL’s HF Digital Handbook and ARRL’s Low Power Communication was completed. The ad will appear in October QST. These titles are part of a suite of new books being introduced as our Fall Lineup: The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications - 2008 (coming first week October); ARRL’s HF Digital Handbook - Fourth Edition (coming first week October); ARRL’s Low Power Communication - Third Edition (coming first week October); FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service (coming end of Aug); Antenna Compendium Volume 4 (the return of a previously discontinued ARRL title); and AC Power Interference Handbook, 3rd edition, revised (published by Percival Technology).
Business Services
Reported by Deb Jahnke
We wrapped the advertising section for October 2007 QST. As previously mentioned, we put together a number of proposals for new and existing advertisers. Many of these came together for the October issue resulting in QST advertising sales of $206,529. We have several specialty vehicle proposals pending for the November and December issues of QST as well. The likelihood of at least one 4-page tear out section is very good.
Our recruitment efforts have also been paying off and we are pleased to welcome five new advertisers to the October issue: JTK Communications, a satellite internet service provider, Electromag History, a specialty book seller, Lido Mounts, a company offering no holes mounting solutions, Super Antennas, offering portable HF Antennas, and Eton USA, specializing in emergency communication accessories.
We are currently soliciting our Publication Dealers for purchases of the new edition of the ARRL Handbook. A 4-color print flyer will be followed up with telephone calls.
We are also proceeding with our efforts on the ARRL On-Line Auction site work and donation acquisitions.
Membership & Volunteer Programs
Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N
The MVP north side staff would like to extend their thanks to Frank, Greg and Trevor for their hard work on last week’s office renovation.
Contest Branch
August UHF totals as of August 31, 2007 follow:
Type of Submission # of Submissions
Electronic 127
IARU log totals as of August 31, 2007 follow:
Type of Submission # of Submissions
Electronic 3,098
Paper 136
Total 3,234
QSL Branch
There is no delay in opening mail and a 3 day delay in slotting of cards. This week, 103 pounds of cards were received from members.
Thanks to our volunteer tour guide, Bob Allison, WB1GCM, for his assistance in getting the Johnson Valiant AM transmitter back on the air. Although no specific issue was identified with the transmitter, it now functions properly. Bob made sure of this by placing it on the air and running it through its paces.
W1AW is now a MARS station and holds the Army MARS callsign AAR1CAD.
Joe processed one Qualifying Run certificate. He made a quick repair to the Harris amplifier used on 17-meters. Joe also processed regular W1AW QSL card requests and worked the late afternoon/night shift on Monday for the vacationing Scott Gee.
Scott worked on fast and slow code practice files for the latter part of the month of August and first part of the month of September. He also worked the early afternoon (and his regular night shift) on Friday for the vacationing Joe Carcia.
Field Organization/Public Service Team
The members of the San Francisco Section re-elected incumbent Bill Hillendahl, KH6GJV, to a new two-year term starting October 1. Field Organization Team members lead the ballot counting on Tuesday, August 21. Bob Schneider, AH6J, has been nominated to run for new term as Pacific SM starting in the spring of 2008. Leona Adams has been receiving and handling an increased number of orders for exhibit kits now that clubs and groups are planning for Jamboree on the Air. Thanks to the Mailroom Staff for compiling and boxing these kits. Nearly 20 new Field Appointments were processed this past week.
Amateur Radio operators, and especially those involved with the Hurricane Watch Net, VoIP Hurricane Net and the WX4NHC at the National Hurricane Center, were busy tracking Hurricane Dean early in the week. ARRL HQ staff kept in touch, and we also were in contact with Section Leaders in Ohio who experienced flooding conditions. Steve Ewald and Dennis Dura took part in a teleconference with all of the Section Managers of the Northwestern Division.
Chuck Skolaut reports that the case of a lack of proper repeater identification in California has been resolved. HQ staff received updates concerning beacons on 30 meters and the South American “PUN” beacon. There is a resolution in the works about interference to an Arkansas traffic net by another out-of-state net. Connecticut and Virginia radio amateurs are hearing an unidentified digital type signal on 75 and 40 meters. Chuck recently returned from a successful convention in Kansas with 21 new or renewed memberships that were collected at the ARRL booth along with one “brick” donation for the ARRL Diamond Terrace.
Education Services
Reported by Debra Johnson, K1DMJ
The August issue of the e-newsletter to Instructors and Teachers was sent to 3,924 mailboxes. I’ve been responding to many follow-up questions relating to the content of the newsletter. I had some good discussions with instructors at the Huntsville convention during my forum opportunities. Jennie and I worked with John Proctor and Jon Bloom to add some flexibility to the process for generating mentor stipends. The changes implemented will reduce the amount of labor and other costs involved. We are experiencing a surge in requests for instructional materials for General and Extra license instruction. Rose-Anne is handling many inquiries about JOTA activities.
Education & Technology Program
Mark submitted a summary activity report on the recently completed Teachers Institutes and has updated the list of ETP project schools on the website. The equipment purchased for the May round of ETP grants is being delivered to the schools. Mark is continuing work on a prototype for a new instructional activity board that will integrate the 4 major content areas of the Teachers Institute.
ARISS and ham radio garnered many media hits these past two weeks. The QSO at the space exhibition put on by the Gail Borden Public Library in Elgin, IL, got great local coverage. Richmond Hill Community Center (NY) had a successful QSO. This organization runs a summer camp that teaches English as a Second Language and technology courses, plus it sponsors a Community Emergency Response Team – all of which was tied into the QSO. Astronaut Barbara Morgan, KD5VNP, got great news coverage, and her ARISS QSO with McCall-Donnelly School was aired in CNN reports and was heard on NASA TV and NASA podcast.
Sincerely Compiled by,
Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ
Assistant to the CEO
Staff Absentee List
All Staff 9/3 Holiday
Jon Bloom 9/26-10/5 Vacation
Katie Breen 9/5-7 US Power Squadrons & VA Beach ARC, Norfolk, VA
`` 9/10 Vacation
Hugh Brower 9/7-9/14 Vacation
Steve Capodicasa 9/4-9/10 Vacation
Jackie Cornell 9/7 Vacation
Steve Ford 9/7 Vacation
Scott Gee 9/4 Vacation
`` 9/21 Vacation
Mike Gruber 10/1-10/5 Vacation
Dan Henderson 9/21-10/1 Wash. State Conv., Spokane, WA/PC NW VHF Conf., OR
Mary Hobart 8/31 Vacation
`` 9/7-9/9 MFJ Anniversary/Starkville MS
`` 9/14-9/16 W9DX Convention, Chicago, IL
`` 10/5-10/6 DARA Board meeting, Dayton, OH
Amy Hurtado 8/28 Vacation
`` 9/6 Vacation
Gail Iannone 8/17-8/31 Vacation
Debra Johnson 8/31 Vacation
Joel Kleinman 9/6-9/7 Vacation
Lisa Kustosik 8/27-9/5 Vacation
Monique Levesque 8/30-9/4 Vacation
Dave Patton 9/14-9/15 W9DXCC Convention Northern Illinois DX Association
Allen Pitts 8/30-8/31 Vacation
John Proctor 9/27-10/9 Vacation
Dave Sumner 9/8-9/15 IARU Reg. 2 Conference, Brasilia
Mike Tracy 9/7-9/14 Vacation
`` 10/26 Vacation
Perry Williams 7/19-9/4 Vacation