Director Vallio as raised a question among the Directors about GAREC
2007 scheduled in
The Global Amateur Radio
Emergency Communications Conference (GAREC) is not an ARRL event nor is it an official
IARU event. However, ARRL and IARU participated in the first two conferences
that were held in
There are no real rules
or procedures for the conference. GAREC originated from an idea of Seppo
Sisatto, OH1VR, who is the IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Coordinator. There
has been general agreement among previous conference attendees that it should
rotate between different venues. The conference organizers looked at three
possible locations for 2007 that included
After the 2006
conference, the organizers expressed a general interest in holding the 2007
conference in IARU Region II and in mid December made direct contact with
Alabama Section Manager Greg Sarratt, W4OZK, about convening the event in
That is the extent of
what anyone at ARRL knows about this year’s conference. Again, it is not
an ARRL sponsored event but we have participated in the past two conferences
and will continue to do so.
For more information on
GAREC, please First Vice President Craigie’s extensive report that was
sent to you in ODV-14185 on June 23, 2006 and November 2006 QST page 95.
73 Joel W5ZN