FYI: Yesterday I sent an E-mail Director Letter to members in the GLD. The prime theme of this was to urge them to write their Representatives and Senators asking them to co-sponsor the respective Amateur Radio Frequency Protection Acts of 2003. In doing this, I freely "borrowed" from ARRL web site information which included draft letters and links to find their congressional people. RESULT: As of this morning, 20 members have sent me copies of letters or messages that state they have sent such letters to their people. I certainly hope many more members write and that we obtain several new co-sponsors from this Division. If anyone would like to receive the portion of the Director Letter that deals with trying to mobilize members (or even the entire newsletter) I'll be happy to send it to you. 73, Jim W. ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio is! Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division 5065 Bethany Rd. Mason, OH 45040 Tel. 513-459-0142 E-mail k8je@arrl.org -----Original Message----- From: n5ok.ok@att.net [mailto:n5ok.ok@att.net] Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 10:50 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [ARRL-ODV:9451] Re: CW Ditty I'll have you know that Okie toads do croak code! -- ARRL West Gulf Division Director Coy Day, N5OK RR 1 Box 254 Union City, OK 73090-9726 n5ok@arrl.org 405-483-5632
19 SEP, 2003 - 0930 CDT
Perhaps I should save this bit for use as a tension reliever at the January board meeting. Nah, it may be old news by then.
73 - Dick, W9GIG ===============================================
By ARRL Member Dave W. Sher, W9LYA
A smoky old Okie named Joad Tried teaching a toad to croak code But voicing displeasure At Sam F. B.'s treasure It croaked for a video mode