6 APR, 2003 - 1530 CST
I was in Milwaukee, WI attending the Amateur Electronics Supply Superfest
when the second round effort to get an Indiana State PRB-1 extension
passed was wrecked.
Indiana ARRL SGL David Spoolstra, N9KT, was working his way through
through a political minefield - and he stepped on one. I don't
the details, but the report in the Indianapolis Star is factual as
what happened in public. The article can be read on line at:
Indiana SM, Jim Sellers, K9ZBM immediately fired the SGL, but it
like the damage is fatal in the current legislative session. The
had already passed the Indiana Senate and it has now been pidgeon-holed
by the Indiana Speaker of The House.
I understand damage control is already underway, but I believe the
effort will have to wait until the next session of the legislature,
not until after the next state election.
My sincere thanks to Jim Sellers for keeping me and ARRL staff up to
speed on this effort in Indiana.
73 - Dick, W9GIG