BPL was (is) such a nightmare.  RFI these days is bad enough as is without help from a future of ubiquitous BPL.  I thought that BPL was bypassed by the march of better technology.  But, I see FiOS and (RF) cable build-out seems to have stopped in my general neck of the woods.  Verizon claims it cost them $2200/customer now to extend and connect a new fiberoptic customer, so there seems to be a slowdown or stopping of new infrastructure installation here.  Comcast (RF hardline) cabling has slowed/stopped many places as well outside of existing built-up areas. I suppose 5G is their concern, but that will not come to rural areas anytime in the foreseeable future. BPL is like a bad penny that keeps coming back it seems.



Bob Famiglio, K3RF

Vice Director - ARRL Atlantic Division








From: arrl-odv On Behalf Of rjairam@gmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2020 1:00 PM
To: ODV <arrl-odv@arrl.org>
Subject: [arrl-odv:29320] BPL making a comeback?


This is from a reliable source and was posted on Facebook:


“ On Tuesday, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai made a presentation to a rather packed audience on the positions of his office. I was there, as I have been in previous years. However, I could not find anyone wearing an ARRL ID there. As the Chairman proceeded he seemed to indicate preferences for support of BPL. It became clear the BPL promoters have been to visit him. 


In Texas, I followed the request of ARRL President Jim Haynie to organize and work this at the Texas Legislature. We were successful in spite of the heavy handed conduct of the opposition. The BPL issue has been resolved in Texas.


At the end of the event I got to visit directly with Chairman Pai and let him know of my concerns on this and some other issues. I told him I could go on for hours about BPL but would not do that now. He appeared friendly and said he remembered speaking with me (that was several years ago when he was a Commissioner). There appeared to be a positive outcome.


I expect the BPL issue will come before amateurs again. It is important that amateurs have competent people in place who are capable of participating on this issue.”




I’m really hoping we don’t have to sharpen our swords to do battle again, but that seems inevitable. 


