Attached is my report to the Board for the upcoming meeting. I will also send this to Dee for inclusion in DropBox.
There are two motions attached to the report. Region 1 has two new societies that are seeking admission to the IARU. As one of the IARU societies, we get to vote on the admissions of these two new ones.
I have also attached to the report a summary of what goes on at a typical IARU regional conference. I guess this is my first attempt to get some of that information out to the Board family about what goes on regarding the international aspects of amateur radio. More will come. And if there is anything in particular you want to know about that area, I can do another short info paper or PowerPoint or whatever.
As always, if you have any questions about the contents of my report or anything having to do with IARU or the various regional organizations, please don’t hesitate to ask.
BTW, is anyone thinking about a zoom conference or two prior to the Board meeting to discuss any motions, etc? Or even just to BS. I can set up a session or two before the BoD meeting if people think it would be helpful.
73, Rod W6ROD