To: Officers, Directors, and Vice Directors attending the 2019 ARRL National Convention at Hamvention Those of you who have attended Hamvention before will know that we organize an area within ARRL's large exhibit space (Building 2) for ODV to meet-and-greet members and other attendees. ARRL staff will also direct attendees to Board members occupying the area, particularly if someone wants to engage in topics involving areas of the Board's responsibility or interest. Meet-and-greet is a friendly, networking space. There's also a nice "ARRL logo" backdrop in the area - suitable for snapping photos with members and friends. We'd like to invite you to respond to the following Doodle poll, to self-schedule yourselves to help meet-and-greet members and attendees in the exhibit area. This scheduling will also help us connect attendees with you, if anyone is looking for you (we'll keep a copy of the schedule in the meet-and-greet area). The schedule isn't intended to be rigid, but rather to help ensure the area designated for meet-and-greet is adequately covered by ODV. Here's the poll link: https://doodle.com/poll/iymu2ffnvpazamva Please complete the scheduling by Friday, May 10. Again, this scheduling is not cast-in-stone. Please contact me or Convention and Event Coordinator Eric Casey if you have any questions. Thank you, Meet and Greet (Officers, Directors and Vice Directors only) ARRL Director, Abernethy, Tom, W3TOM, w3tom@verizon.net<mailto:w3tom@verizon.net> ARRL Officer, Bellows, Jay, K0QB, jbellows@skypoint.com<mailto:jbellows@skypoint.com> ARRL Director, Carlson, Kermit, W9XA, w9xa@yahoo.com<mailto:w9xa@yahoo.com> (also Lab) ARRL Vice Director, Cooper, Lee, W5LHC, w5lhc@arrl.org<mailto:w5lhc@arrl.org> (also Public Service) ARRL Vice Director, Delaney, Tom, W8WTD, w8wtd@arrl.org<mailto:w8wtd@arrl.org> ARRL Director, Hippisley, Bud, W2RU, W2RU@arrl.org<mailto:W2RU@arrl.org> ARRL Director, Holden, Matt, K0BBC, k0bbc@arrl.org<mailto:k0bbc@arrl.org> ARRL Vice Director, Hudzik, Bill, w2udt@arrl.org<mailto:w2udt@arrl.org> (also Membership and Sales) ARRL Director, Amateur Radio and the Law, Hopengarten, Fred, K1VR, hopengarten@post.harvard.edu<mailto:hopengarten@post.harvard.edu> ARRL Director, Hopengarten, Fred, K1VR, hopengarten@post.harvard.edu<mailto:hopengarten@post.harvard.edu> ARRL Director, Jairam, Ria, N2RJ, rjairam@gmail.com<mailto:rjairam@gmail.com> ARRL Vice Director, Luetzelschwab, Carl, K9LA, k9la@arrl.net<mailto:k9la@arrl.net> (also Radiosport/card checking) ARRL Vice Director, McIntyre, Kristen, K6WX, kristen@alum.mit.edu<mailto:kristen@alum.mit.edu> ARRL Officer, CEO, Michel, Howard, WB2ITX, wb2itx@arrl.org<mailto:wb2itx@arrl.org> ARRL Director, Norris, David, K5UZ, k5uz@arrl.org<mailto:k5uz@arrl.org> (also Radiosport/card checking) ARRL Director, Norton, Dick, N6AA, richardjnorton@gmail.com<mailto:richardjnorton@gmail.com> ARRL Director, Ritz, Mike, W7VO, w7vo@comcast.net<mailto:w7vo@comcast.net> (also Development booth) ARRL Officer, Roderick, Rick, K5UR, k5ur@aol.com<mailto:k5ur@aol.com> ARRL Director, Ryan, Jeff, K0RM, k0rm@comcast.net<mailto:k0rm@comcast.net> (also Membership and Sales) ARRL Director, Sarratt, Greg, W4OZK, gsarratt@att.net<mailto:gsarratt@att.net> (also Public Service) ARRL Director, Stratton, John Robert, N5AUS, n5aus@n5aus.com<mailto:n5aus@n5aus.com> ARRL Director, Tiemstra, Jim, K6JAT, k6jat@arrl.net<mailto:k6jat@arrl.net> ARRL Officer, Vallio, Bob, W6RGG, rbvallio@gmail.com<mailto:rbvallio@gmail.com> ARRL Officer, Widin, Greg, K0GW, gpwidin@comcast.net<mailto:gpwidin@comcast.net> ARRL Director, Williams, Dale, WA8EFK, dale.wms1@frontier.com<mailto:dale.wms1@frontier.com> ARRL Vice Director, Zygielbaum, Art, K0AIZ, k0aiz@arrl.org<mailto:k0aiz@arrl.org>