Rick, I might not have sent an original out to ODV. I was going down thru a list and it might have skipped over it. Thanks again everyone. 73, Tuck K5ur@aol.com wrote:
Hi All! Hope everyone had a great weekend. I didn't get Tuck's initial message about his health situation. Tuck told me it went out last Wednesday or so. Make me wonder if I didn't get some other messages. Anybody else missing messages? Thanks. 73, Rick - K5UR
-- ************************************************ Remember, Helping Others....Always Worthwhile!! Southwestern Division Vice Director American Radio Relay League (ARRL) The national association for AMATEUR RADIO Are you a member yet? If not, visit http://www.arrl.org/join.html 2002 SWD Convention, Aug 16-18 For Registration forms, click on http://sd2002.hamcon.net/mainpage.html?registration.html Tuck's Personal Web Page: http://www.qsl.net/nz6t