DX Advisory Committee Semi-Annual Report December 31, 2002 for the American Radio Relay League Board of Directors Meeting Submitted by Clifford H. Ahrens K0CA Chairman, DX Advisory Committee Midwest Division Representative Introduction During the second half of 2002, the major DXCC news items were: 1. On September 4, 2002, the DXCC Desk announced the addition of a 30-Meter (10 MHz) Single Band DXCC award. Applications for this award were accepted beginning October 1, 2002. 30-Meter credits will count toward the DeSoto Cup competition ending September 30, 2003. They will also be included in the DXCC Annual List totals for the period ending on that date. A 30-Meter endorsement to 5 Band DXCC will also be available. Agenda Items 1) New Entity/Removal Issues None 2) Other Issues 1. The DXAC has informally discussed the increasing number of illegal "freeband" operations which take place in the frequency spectrum between the amateur ten-meter and the CB band. Discussion has focused on what effect these operations could have on the DXCC program. Concerns have been voiced that illegal "freeband" activity by persons who are also amateur radio operators who are also engaging in amateur radio operations could have a negative impact on amateur radio relations with the government agencies involved. The DXAC has not been requested to do a formal study or express an opinion as a committee. But the individual DXAC members are giving feedback to DXCC staff on this issue. DXAC Status The DXAC continued informal discussions of several important issues facing the DXCC program. These include: 1. The status of development of the "Logbook of The World" (LOTW) system for electronic logbook and QSO information for DXCC awards. ARRL staff are continuing to work on the design of LOTW. 2. Publicizing the "Logbook of the World", the DXCC Challenge program, the new QRP DXCC award, and the 30 meters DXCC award. 3. Continuing to promote the use of DXCC Card Checker services. As of December 17, 2002, there are 155 card checkers. These were nominated by the following: Directors - 6, Section Managers - 63, DX Clubs - 53, Foreign Society pilot program - 33. Currently nominations are still available from 8 ARRL sections. Over 4,750 applications have been verified by DXCC Card Checkers to date. 4. Illegal "freeband" operations. 5. DXpedition QSLing practices. The DXAC will continue to listen to feedback from the DX community on important current DX issues and pass those opinions on to the MSC and ARRL staff. It will also be ready to discuss and make recommendations on any matters or issues referred to DXAC by the MSC. Respectfully submitted, Clifford H. Ahrens K0CA Chairman, DX Advisory Committee Midwest Division Representative