I’m familiar with the regulations as written and agree that there is a way to supervise exams at least as well as a VE team does. We discussed this during my cabinet meeting yesterday and had some great ideas about how to use the current system to administer and grade exams on a candidate’s PC and to have 3 VEs watch several simultaneously. 

This is commonly done for distance learning exams for degree credit.

I’ll write a draft for the group within 24 hours.



On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 12:20 PM rjairam@gmail.com <rjairam@gmail.com> wrote:
So when I asked Barry about this individually he did say that right now he is dealing with HQ emergency operational issues. 

But he also did say this:

 If you want to investigate it, please do so but I would like to be kept in the loop. Please understand all the FCC requirements and what I will call “chain of evidence” type procedures we use to insure the propriety of the exams and the examinees. I realize there are other FCC exams that are given remotely as testingfacilities which, in this case, may be closed as well. I know what people want, they want to sit at home with no proctors and be able to take the exam at their computer or tablet. Not something that can be made to happen in the timeframes in which they want it to happen.”

Someone has proposed a solution:

Ignore the bashing and other commentary. The 9 step plan is what I’m interested in.

Is anyone on the board or other (committee) willing to get something together so this could be implemented?


On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 7:40 PM rjairam@gmail.com <rjairam@gmail.com> wrote:
Anchorage VEC is doing it. Why can't we?


Ria, N2RJ
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