A few weeks ago, Director Norton suggested that we publish a printed version of the latest edition of the Radio Waves newsletter. After due consideration, we have slightly re-formatted the e-newsletter
and published it as a full color printed version. This printed piece highlights our commitment to provide relevant, timely and useful information about Amateur Radio to instructors and teachers. These pieces should be useful as handouts to legislators, educators,
stakeholders, and members. Dan Henderson has already sent some of them to Keelen for this purpose.
They are bundled in wrapped packages of 10 per pack. If you would like us to send you some packages, just let Debra or me know how many you need.
For your information, I have pasted below Debra’s original email that was sent to the Board when the electronic version of the newsletter was first issued.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
ARRL Chief Operating Officer
From: Johnson, Debra K1DMJ
Here’s a description of the newsletter:
The purpose of ARRL's e-newsletter for Instructors and Teachers is to provide information that will help you with your licensing or classroom instruction and to share experiences and stories of other instructors
and teachers that may offer ideas for you to incorporate in your activities. We provide the information in newsletter format direct to your mailbox as a convenience for you.
We've just published our Fall 2015 issue of
Radio Waves.
Click here for direct access to the new issue.
Inside This Issue
Feature Stories:
Using Sensors to Explore Terraforming......1
STEM School and Academy ARC Builds Repeater..... 2
Community College’s DIY Spirit Shines for ARISS Contact...... 3
Amateur Radio Club Helps Boy Scouts Earn Radio Merit Badge….. 4
Education & Technology Program News....... 5
Instructor Corner — News, Ideas, Support:
Getting New Hams on the Air: The Evolution of a Licensing Class…..5
Ham Radio Instruction for People with Disabilities....... 6
Licensing Updates:
Amateur Extra Question Pool Being Revised for 2016….. 7
Licensing Statistics….. 7
Upcoming Events, Opportunities, and Deadlines ….. 8
Debra Johnson, K1DMJ
Education Services Manager
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio®
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111-1494
Office:(860) 594-0296
Fax: (860) 594-0259