As you may recall, the first substantive item of business on
the Executive Committee agenda for its September 29 meeting was “Consideration
of strategies to improve the FCC Amateur Radio Enforcement Program.” The minutes
do not go into much detail since it is not a good idea to publicize such
strategy, but the EC discussion was based largely on General Counsel Imlay’s
report to the Executive Committee that was shared with officers and directors
prior to the meeting. Chris’s report included the following: “One option would be to consult with Riley
Hollingsworth about how to approach this EB and/or the current Commissioners to
improve this situation. I think Riley might be able to help us sort through the
issues and recommend some strategies. He might be willing to do this as a
volunteer, but if not, perhaps we could retain him as a
EC members supported
approaching Riley, and we have done so. As a result we have entered into a
consulting agreement with Riley. The agreement includes a provision that the
ARRL will not disclose it “except upon prior approval by [Riley] and except for
necessary or required disclosures to FCC.” The confidentiality provision applies
to ARRL officers, directors, vice directors, agents and key staff as well as to
Riley himself.
Chris and I expect to be able
to report some progress before or during the Board
Dave Sumner,