On Aug 24, 2021, at 7:11 PM, Michael Ritz <w7vo@comcast.net> wrote:
As long as Ria's concern regarding SKs is addressed, I otherwise approve the minutes.
Well done!
_______________________________________________On 08/24/2021 1:21 PM Kelly Wells <kwells@arrl.org> wrote:
_______________________________________________Good afternoon:
I received an email pertaining to the last version I sent out, therefore, it has been edited. Please review and approve this version, as I have not received any more changes or comments.
It was also brought to my attention that the date in Article 15/16 should read January 2022 instead of July 2021. Please see the original and edited article below:
Recommendation: Without regard to content, the Committee recommends that no version of proposed Article 15 or Article 16 be adopted.
It is the Committee’s intent to draft a replacement for these proposed Articles and present it to the Board during the July 2021 Board Meeting.
On the motion of Mr. Stratton, to defer the final version until January 2022, seconded by Mr. Carlson The Motion CARRIED.
<image005.png>Recommendation: Without regard to content, the Committee recommends that no version of proposed Article 15 or Article 16 be adopted.
It is the Committee’s intent to draft a replacement for these proposed Articles and present it to the Board during the January 2022 Board Meeting.
On the motion of Mr. Stratton, to defer draft replacement until January 2022, and seconded by Mr. Carlson. The Motion CARRIED.
Kelly Wells
Executive Assistant
ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®
Newington, CT 06111
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