Gee, Dave, you're too modest.  This appeared in today's The Daily DX:
The very first Amateur Radio activity from this new DXCC entity will
be managed by an International DXpedition Team, which is planned to
take part very quickly after DXCC approval has been granted to
Montenegro.  The DXpedition Organizing Committee consist of: N6OX, Bob
Grimmick; PB2T, Hans Blondeel Timmerman; OH2BH, Martti Laine; K1ZZ,
Dave Sumner; KA1ZD, Linda Sumner (YL); YT6A, Ranko Boca; YT3T, Vladan
Kecman; N7NG, Wayne Mills; and DL6LAU, Carsten Esch.
Bob, W6RGG


On 6/14/06, Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ <> wrote:

Those of you who follow DX news will be seeing an announcement of the inaugural operation to take place from the Republic of Montenegro once it has been added to the DXCC List. This will occur when Montenegro is admitted to the UN or is allocated a call sign block by the ITU, whichever comes first.

That it will occur is a foregone conclusion. The EU and the US both recognized Montenegro's independence earlier this week.

Last year while on vacation, Linda and I spent several days in Montenegro visiting YT6A and even managed to operate, as 4O6ZD and 4O3ZZ respectively. That visit has resulted in an invitation for the two of us to take part in the DXCC operation. These opportunities don't come along every day, so we're trying to arrange for a week or so in Montenegro sometime after the Board Meeting.

Dave K1ZZ