As a matter of fact, the 97.113 issue was mentioned in both CQ
and Pop Comm this month (February).
- CQ magazine put forth its 4 point proposal, as noted below:
e) Communications on behalf of an employer may be transmitted on
an occasional basis, provided that:
1) Such communications are incidental to the employee’s
normal job responsibilities and are conducted voluntarily;
2) Such communications are conducted during an employee’s
personal time, including but not limited to lunch hours, days off and other
non-compensated time periods; and
3) The primary beneficiaries of such communications are
other amateurs and /or members of the general public, and not the employer
4) Nothing in these rules shall be construed to limit the
recreational use of an amateur station on an employer’s premises by a
duly licensed employee, as authorized by the station licensee
-Pop Comm had an editorial by Gordon West, asking readers to
support his petition, as previously filed.
CQ did have a statement that the ARRL BOD was to discuss this
issue at their January Board Meeting. The author (W2VU) also stated
that the only unacceptable option is to do nothing.
Just FYI, I am on a Yahoogroup list that has a constant
discussion on this topic. One of the most outspoken members (originally
very much against the ARRL), upon finding out the ARRL BOD action, has asked
everyone to write their Directors, Vice Directors and SMs to thank them for the
ARRL proposal. Another on the list (a co-petitioner of the Gordon West petition)
was not entirely satisfied with the ARRL wording but would prefer to have
the ARRL’s wording and support than what exists now.
I truly feel our proposal is the best of both worlds.
I would also be interested in knowing whether Chris and Dan have
met with the FCC, and if there is any feedback yet. I see that the Vanity
Call issue was immediately addressed by the FCC.
Vice Director
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio™
From: David A. Norris
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 11:33 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: RE: Another 97.113 petition
Has Chris met with the FCC yet to discuss the ARRL proposal?
David A. Norris, K5UZ
Vice Director, Delta Div.
-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Sarratt []
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 10:20 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: Another 97.113 petition
According to CQ
magazine, February 2010 issue, Zero Bias. CQ has filed their own petition for
rule making, seeking a broader
clarification to
Their language opens
the barn door further for abuse and adds more confusion.
Greg Sarratt, W4OZK