I thought this was interesting. -- ARRL West Gulf Division Director Coy Day, N5OK 20685 SW 29th St Union City, OK 73090 n5ok@arrl.org 405-483-5632 -------------- Forwarded Message: -------------- From: CAROL77CAC@aol.com To: n5ok.ok@worldnet.att.net Subject: Broad Band support Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 20:28:25 +0000 Coy, Just heard Kim speak very favorably about Ham Radio on her Nationwide radio program. She also told a caller who mentioned the Broad Band problem to contact her and she would do what ever she could to assist. If you do not know who she is - check out her website. The Kim Komando Radio Show ® and email her your information. You might even call her program - it is heard in all 50 states and she's on our side. Carol Chouinard K5YAB