Here is an update from Jon
Bloom on our two major web projects:
Search Engine Upgrade:
The project to upgrade the
search engine proceeds apace. We have received the Google appliance box, and
it is installed here at HQ while we configure it and learn how to use it to its
best advantage. We plan to install it at the Interbridge facility and are
still on track to have it up and running and integrated into the Web site by
11/11, as scheduled.
WAS on Logbook of the World:
Addition of the WAS award to
Logbook continues to be worked on. The design of the additional components is
being completed as we work on fixing some server bugs that must be cleared away
before adding more code to the system. We anticipate completion of WAS support
by the end of the year, as scheduled.
Jon Bloom, KE3Z
Web/Software Development
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL - The National Association for Amateur Radio
860 594 0220