I received a very disgruntled email from a member that is still waiting on their 2012 ten meter contest award. In the process of doing some quick research, I came across this thread of very unhappy people currently waiting for their 2012 Sweepstakes plaques: http://www.arrl.org/forum/topics/view/939


When I checked the plaques and certificates page (http://www.arrl.org/plaques-and-certificates), it shows as last being updated on 5/13/2013.


Presuming that this is a lack of paid staff issue, is there some step(s) we could take to turn the plaque and certificate generation/mailing over to a volunteer group? Once the log processing has been completed for a contest and the results prepared for publication, it would seem that the task of plaques and certificates would be straightforward—albeit time consuming.


Thanks  & 73,



Doug Rehman, K4AC

Director Southeastern Division

ARRL National Association of the Amateur Radio