I agree with Dick. This gent's attempt to fan the flames and get ARRL into the "Microsoft is evil" controversy is a real turn-off. 73. Jim, W6CF dick@pobox.com wrote:
21 MAR, 2002 - 0950 CST
Hello Jon...
Thanks for your very well-stated reply to Chuck Counselman's complaints. While I am not, and never will be a computer programming expert, I do think I have an above average working knowledge of the failings of Microsoft and other commonly used software. Your reply to Chuck reinforces my reply to him saying the problem is with the browser configuration(s) he and others are using. It appears his his anti- Microsoft bias is clouding his judgement.
While I don't have the time or the inclination to mindlessly surf the web, I find the ARRL web site to be one of the better sites in terms of presentation, ease of use, and content. You and the other IT staff members are to be congratulated on a continuing job well-done.
73 - Dick, W9GIG