David, great work!
Weaver, K8JE, Director
E-mail: k8je@arrl.org, Tel.: 513-459-1661
ARRL - The
national association for Amateur Radio
From: Dr. David Woolweaver [mailto:k5rav@ix.netcom.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009
4:48 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:17813] West
Gulf Convention
was held June 12-13, 2009 in
The Lone Star DX Association’s W5DXCC DX dinner was sold out several
weeks in advance. Bill Allphin, K4UEE, presented a slide and video show
on the KP5, Desecheo Expedition. Bill, as usual, did a great job.
The ARRL booth processed 113 membership applications with one life membership
and several multi year memberships. Thanks to Assistant Director Doug
Loughmiller, W5BL, the booth was also active in soliciting support for
HR2160. Using the web site provided by Dick Norton, 147 signed letters
were generated.
David, K5RAV