Per Standing Order 11-2.18, as amended in July 2016, I am calling for a vote on the minutes of the July 2017 Second Meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors. A final version of the minutes is attached. Note there was a revision of Minute 19 requested by Mr. Norris this morning so that it now reads: 19. Mr. Norris presented several items from the report of the DX Advisory Committee. He encouraged the Board to look for ways to promote modernization of the various awards offered by the League as well as making better use of the DX and Contest Advisory Committees. Please submit your vote on the minutes as shown in the attachment. Thanks and 73 Dan Henderson, N1ND Assistant Secretary - American Radio Relay League, Inc. Regulatory Information Manager ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio 860-594-0236 dhenderson@arrl.org<mailto:dhenderson@arrl.org>