Dear Members of the ODV:


As noted in the original email, this poll is being done at the request of the A&F Committee after several Committee members noted other Board meetings they attend had gone paperless. A cost-analysis and comparison has not been conducted yet, as the intention of this poll was to first gauge whether there was enough interest to warrant further investigation. That said, we would more than likely be looking at using one of the many Board Meeting portals now available. (A board portal is a cloud-based app or program that replaces hard copies of books and facilitates secure digital communication between members of a board.) You would simply log on to the portal via your laptop, tablet, or phone, whichever you prefer for access to all available documents.  Again, this poll was only done to see if there is enough interest in going to an on-line option before any time is invested in researching available options.  After all ODV members have responded to the Doodle pole, the results will be provided to the A&F Committee and based on their direction, options will be investigated. 


If you have not responded to the Doodle pole, please do so at your earliest convenience.




Carla Pereira, KC1HSX

Executive Manager


Newington, CT 06111
