Please get back to me today if you’re attending the Huntsville Hamfest this weekend. I understand there are HQ staff attending as well.


ALSO – I have Rick, K5UR, and Frank, W4RH attending the DX Dinner. If you need a ticket to attend, please let me know TODAY.


I have the following:


Mickey Baker, N4MB,  Director, Southeastern Division 


Jim Schilling, KG4JSZ,  Vice Director, Southeastern Division


Roger Parsons, KK4UDU,  Section Manager, Alabama 


David Benoist, AG4ZR,  Section Manager, Georgia


Scott Roberts, KK4ECR,  Section Manager,  Northern Florida 


Frank Butler, W4RH, Honorary Vice President


Of course, K5UR and NA2AA.



Mickey Baker, N4MB

Director, Southeastern Division

ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio®

Phone (561) 320-2775
