Good morning, You may have seen the news story (see below and attached) that was posted on the ARRL web site yesterday formally announcing the ARRL Second Century Campaign and our $10 million goal. The story has also been posted on the ARRL Facebook page and has already reaped some interest. The ARRL web link is http://www.arrl.org/news/arrl-announces-a-campaign-for-its-second-centur y I will be working on a comprehensive communications plan for the campaign and have enlisted the help of key departments here at ARRL. Lots of good ideas are percolating and I am confident that we can arrange regular communication with our members and the Amateur Radio community at large. All of this is by way of framing a request for your support. To expand our reach I respectfully request that you consider posting the story on your Division web page and include in your Division newsletter. The more members that see it - even multiple times - the more it will solidify the message and generate interest. There will be periodic updates that I will share with you and hope you will continue the flow of information to your members. Your approval of the goal and your continuing support as we progress through our centennial year will send an important message to our members that you are on the band wagon. Thank you for considering this request. 73, Mary K1MMH Mary M. Hobart, K1MMH Chief Development Officer ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio(tm) Telephone: 860-594-0397 Fax: 860-594-0259 email: mhobart@arrl.org <mailto:mhobart@arrl.org> ARRL Announces a Campaign for Its Second Century As the ARRL draws closer to celebrating its Centennial in 2014, its Board of Directors has launched an unprecedented $10 million fundraising initiative to build the ARRL Endowment and strengthen the organization's financial future <http://www.arrl.org/arrl-second-century-campaign> . Led by the ARRL Board and an eight-member Second Century Campaign Committee -- headed by David W. Brandenburg, K5RQ -- the campaign has already raised more than $4 million toward this goal. Plans are to reach that goal by the end of ARRL's centennial year in 2014. "Plans for this campaign have been brewing for several years," said ARRL Chief Development Officer Mary Hobart, K1MMH. "Now the campaign is a reality and it has already made significant progress toward that ambitious $10 million goal. The ARRL Board of Directors, the Second Century Campaign Committee and dozens of leaders in the Amateur Radio community have already contributed generously. Over the course of the campaign, all ARRL members and interested radio amateurs will be invited to join the campaign and embrace the campaign's vision." Hobart explained that contributions and pledges to the campaign are all included in the ARRL Endowment as a "savings account." Contributions will be invested to spin off earnings to support ARRL operations on an annual basis. The ARRL Endowment -- created by the Board of Directors in 2003 -- includes funds that mirror the vision of the Second Century Campaign. "The vision of the ARRL Second Century Campaign is to secure significant financial resources that will open a path to passionate involvement in Amateur Radio for new generations," she said. "In this, it will provide opportunities for educational enrichment, community service and personal achievement through the exploration and use of the magic of radio communication. In its second century, the ARRL Endowment will fund a permanent commitment to the following objectives: * To build upon its historic role as a responsive, flexible and progressive organization dedicated to the promotion and advancement of the art, science and enjoyment of Amateur Radio. * To organize, promote and manage a national program to offer a 21st century experience to young people as they build skills in scientific and technological discovery through Amateur Radio in a safe, competitive and collaborative environment for their curiosity and creativity. * To enhance Amateur Radio's capacity to serve local, national and global communities by applying and sharing our radio communication skills, technical knowledge and volunteer ethic in response to disaster and in public service communications. * To increase Amateur Radio's capacity to serve local, national and global communities by sharing our radio communication skills and knowledge, and by strengthening and expanding partnerships with organizations pursuing similar or complementary goals. * To commemorate the contributions and accomplishments of the Amateur Radio community since 1914. "The world of Amateur Radio is rapidly changing," Hobart said. "New technologies and new challenges are sure to be a part of the organization's future. The ARRL must be financially prepared to face what lies ahead. Even though we cannot predict that future with any certainty, the organization will need to adjust to ensure its service to Amateur Radio. By increasing the ARRL Endowment, the League's financial position will be stronger and the organization will be able to continue its dedication to members and to Amateur Radio." Hobart knows that each radio amateur has his or her personal story to tell. "Those stories are similar in many cases," she explained. "Many current ARRL members tell us that they earned their first license in their early teens when it gave them an outlet for their curiosity and interest in science. Since those first years, many members have found both vocations and avocations that have led them on a path to professional success. A gift to the ARRL Endowment encourages members who have enjoyed pleasure and success because of their involvement in Amateur Radio, ensuring that the ARRL will be there to support radio amateurs in the years ahead."