Dave, What group or governmental agency in Kosovo is (or might be) responsible to ask the ITU for a callsign block? Given the status of the folks operating from there, I would expect that this process would be underway but egos occasionally prevail among DXers - Duh! Of course, we will be the bad guys if the last few days of operation do not count for anything but that is life. ITU assignment of a prefix will allow those there or another group to activate the first DXpedition that complies to the DXCC rules and it is not the current group, we will hear about it! BTW, I have yet to worked the current operation and probably will not until the rules are met. But, I remember the 7O1YGF expedition which put me on the #1 Honor Roll status after nearly 10 years of waiting. 73 Jim K9JF James E. Fenstermaker K9JF Director, Northwestern Division American Radio Relay League (206) 930-9372 James E. Fenstermaker K9JF Director, Northwestern Division American Radio Relay League (206) 930-9372