Hi, At the Board Meeting, a few of you asked me what is the best method of contacting the FSR with questions on ARRL Awards. Of course, any ODV member can always contact me or Dave Patton directly and we will forward the inquiry to the appropriate person. As a member of ODV, if you want to contact someone in the Awards Department directly with a question, then you can contact: Sharon Taratula STaratula@arrl.org<mailto:STaratula@arrl.org>, Awards Manager Or Sabrina Jackson SJackson@arrl.org<mailto:SJackson@arrl.org>, Administrative Manager Sharon and Sabrina deal with Awards every day and they can usually resolve inquiries very quickly. You can also refer members to our Awards Branch contact page: http://www.arrl.org/awards-branch-contacts . This page lists the contact emails for the Radiosport department by specific awards. This system has been working well for Award inquiries. 73, Harold Harold Kramer, WJ1B ARRL Chief Operating Officer 860-594-0220 hkramer@arrl.org<mailto:hkramer@arrl.org>