Separate copy of this email to ARRL Department Heads and Digital Launch Team
Here is an update on the status of the launch of the dedicated Digital QST Apple iOS app.
· The new online privacy policy has been approved by GC Chris Imlay; Maria Somma, our in-house privacy policy expert; and the Digital QST launch team. I sent this policy to ODV in a previous email.
· Nxtbook has also verified in writing that the policy conforms to their standards.
· The Online Privacy Policy has now been published on our website.
· We have cross linked the General ARRL Privacy Policy and the ARRL Online Privacy policy so that members will have easy access to both policies.
· The ARRL online privacy policy link will be added to the iTunes store, as part of the information about the QST app, as soon as Apple completes the update. Based on our past experience, this should take no longer than a day or two.
· We have added an explanation of how to disable the app’s tracking function to the Digital QST FAQ page.
· We have added language to the Digital QST page at that the new member benefit of the Digital QST iOS app is now available.
· Today, we will send an email to 10,000 randomly selected members announcing the availability of the app. These members will provide us with initial feedback on any customer service issues before we launch to the full membership. Magdalena Owczarska will monitor and respond to inquiries from this form.
· The customer service staff has been trained to support this app.
· If this initial test is successful, we will email the rest of the membership later this week or early next week.
· Board Members will receive this email just like other members so that they will know exactly what members have received. I will not be sending a separate ODV message with the email pasted into it.
· Without any formal roll out, about 1,000 members have already downloaded the app from the viral spread of the information from the Board, SMs and other testers. Some members simply discovered it in the iTunes store.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL -the national association for Amateur Radio
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
(860) 594 -0220