I'm sure many of you are aware of the record setting high temperatures in the Southeast. Field Day groups here battle extreme heat and are asking for our help. Many of our members in the Southeastern Division are ageing and concerned about the risk of heat stroke and other heat related problems. The heat and humidity is hard on all participants young and old. One idea I've talked about with several groups is to change the FD rules to allow setting up starting on Friday morning at 1200 GMT (near local sunrise) to take advantage of the cooler temperatures before mid-day. This will help minimize the Health Risks to participants during the hardest work phase of installing towers, antennas, and stations that are now starting at the hottest part of the day when the temperatures are high (typically 95+). This change should help reduce the risk of Heat Exhaustion, Heat Stroke, or even a Heart Attack for folks by not waiting to the hottest part of the day to start setting up. I am asking for your comments and thoughts about changing the FD rule from setting up at 1800 to 1200. Thanks, 73, Greg Sarratt, W4OZK Director, Southeastern Division American Radio Relay League <http://www.southeastern.arrl.org> www.southeastern.arrl.org