
"Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ" <dsumner@arrl.org> wrote:

All Directors:


As explained in [arrl-odv:22510] there was an error in the awarding of the Bill Leonard award for Audio at Minute 40 of the January Board Meeting. Because it was an action of the Board, it requires an action of the Board to make the correction.


In accordance with Article 6, the Executive Committee has voted unanimously to offer this resolution to the Board for a mail vote:


Whereas, the ARRL Public Relations Committee in its report to the 2014 Annual Meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors recommended that the 2013 Bill Leonard, W2SKE, Professional Media Award for the Audio Format  be given to Jim Rash of radio station WGMD in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, and


Whereas, a transcription error caused the motion as presented to the Board to name another member of the WGMD staff who had received the award in an earlier year,


Resolved, that the Board of Directors hereby designates Jim Rash as the winner of the 2013 Bill Leonard, W2SKE, Professional Media Award for the Audio Format, as originally intended.


Directors, please let me have your vote, aye or nay, at your earliest convenience. Thank you.



David Sumner, K1ZZ
