David and ODV David, as I advised earlier this afternoon, following is a respectful request for information to assist the Board. The matters placed before the Board in the called meeting of the Board of Directors for Monday, November 21, 2022 at 1:00 pm EST are serious and carry potentially profound consequences for individuals and the League. In order to render fully informed and legally supportable decisions in accordance with our fiduciary duties on the multiple matters for which there is a called meeting it prudent that we have access to all available relevant information and that any contemplated actions arising from or based on such possible decisions be fully disclosed. Based on multiple statements in the Ethics & Election Committee Report and the disclosures in CEO Minster’s odv-emails of 11.13.22 and 11.14.22, it appears there is relevant, and possibly outcome-determinative information, relevant to the issues and contemplated actions that has not been made available to the Board in advance. To be specific: the E&E Committee report discloses that it held multiple meetings with “Connecticut Counsel” and “ARRL Connecticut Counsel” (Report Pages 1, 4 and 5) on which it asserts it based its recommendations. It also implicit that “Connecticut Counsel” also communicated with President Roderick and CEO Minster and possibly other Members of this Board regarding E&E’s considerations. “Connecticut Counsel” and “ARRL Connecticut Counsel” are not identified; their identity is relevant and should be shared with the Board. The tasking of “Connecticut Counsel,” the communications and disclosures provided to “Connecticut Counsel,” the communications between the E&E Committee, President Roderick, CEO Minster and any other Board Members, and all recommendations of “Connecticut Counsel” to any of the foregoing are of singular important to the Board’s ability to evaluate the report of the E&E Committee. In addition: CEO Minster in his 11.13.22 “Notice of Special Meeting” asserts the “timing of this meeting is of the essence” — “as there are legal actions ARRL is contemplating.” In his 11.14.22 odv-email response to Director Ritz, CEO Minster again asserts “we have been advised by CT Counsel that time is of the essence with regard to legal considerations.” Perhaps “time is of the essence”, but neither the basis for the assertion “time is of the essence” nor the nature and targets of any “legal actions” have been disclosed to this Board. These are matters about which the Board should have time to reflect before the Monday meeting. It appears there may have been extensive communication and consultation with legal counsel, resulting, based on the statements of both the E&E Committee and CEO Minster, in opinions on which action has been taken or on which action is intended to be taken. To reach any fully informed decision on any of these consequential issues, it would be prudent for the Board to have access to these communications and opinions prior to being called to approve or disapprove them. This is a respectful, but formal request that the following be provided to the Board of Directors prior to the 11.21.22 called meeting: With Regard To the “Director Ria Jairam Conflict of Interest Report”: (1)The identity of all “Connecticut Counsel” or “ARRL Connecticut Counsel” involved in the development and rendition of the “Director Ria Jairam Conflict of Interest Report”; (2)All communications by and between such attorneys and the E&E Committee, President Roderick, CEO Minster and any other Member of the Board of Directors with regard to the investigation and rendition of the “Director Ria Jairam Conflict of Interest Report”; (3)Any tasking and all opinions and/or recommendations of such counsel with regard to the investigation and rendition of the “Director Ria Jairam Conflict of Interest Report”. With Regard To “Legal Actions” and “Legal Considerations”: (1)The identity of all “Connecticut Counsel” or “ARRL Connecticut Counsel” who have advised that the “timing of this meeting is of the essence” or that “time is of the essence”; (2)The nature of such “actions” and/or “considerations”; (3)The intended target(s) of such “actions” and/or “considerations”; (4)Any tasking to legal counsel regarding such “actions” and/or “considerations” and whether counsel has been retained to initiate such actions or have been authorized to prepare and research such actions; (5)All opinions and recommendations of such counsel regarding the necessity or advisability of such “actions” and/or “considerations”; (6)All opinions and recommendations of such counsel regarding the risks and probable outcomes of such “actions” and/or “considerations”. Assuming we are all attempting to render fair and prudent decisions, which I believe we are, the requested information should assist us in achieving that goal. -- ______________________________________ John Robert Stratton N5AUS Director West Gulf Division Office:512-445-6262 Cell:512-426-2028 P.O. Box 2232 Austin, Texas 78768-2232 *______________________________________*