Dick _*QST*_ The inability to read QST on an iPad --- the tablet that OWNS the market --- is not the fault of Apple. It is the fault of the ARRL. When the initial presentation regarding digital QST was made at the Board meeting, the question was asked "when will the Apps for the iPad and other tablets be available?" As I remember, the timeline was this October. The inroads of tablets into the pre-existing PC market is enormous. Many people prefer to access online material through their Apple, Android, etc tablets. They want to be able to download the material and not be tethered to the Internet. The League has to address that market and those members or we are going to be increasingly seen as an out-dated relic of the past. We will lose existing members and run off the younger generation - a generation (actually about 3 generations as compared to those of us over 50) that is increasing mobile. Perrins is just one of many who see the League as behind the times/out-dated/clueless/waste of time --- whatever. You did an excellent and admirable job in trying to defuse Perrins and mitigate the damage. Thanks for the effort. _*FCC*_ As long as this Administration controls the levers of the FCC we are at extreme risk. Elections matter --- votes count. 73 *-----------------------------------------------------* ** John Robert Stratton N5AUS Office telephone: 512-445-6262 Cell: 512-426-2028 PO Box 2232 Austin, Texas 78768-2232 *-----------------------------------------------------* On 10/17/12 11:16 AM, Richard J Norton wrote:
1) Inability to Store Digital QST on iPad, and Read It on Airplane
This was a complaint that appeared to be the cause behind item 2) below. K6BP. Bruce Perrins, a perennial and popular Pacificon presenter, with a packed room, had 2 or so slides at the end of his presentation that badmouthed the ARRL, and included a statement that the presenter was not going to renew ARRL membership, and contained a request for others to join him.
I engaged the speaker and a few others in a conversation at the end. It was shown to me, that you could not read digital QST on the iPad, unless you were connected to the Internet.
I mentioned this to several ARRL directors, and was given two different explanations. One said that this was an Apple flaw that would be fixed with the next release of the Apple operating system. Since people showed me that CQ and Astronomy Magazine could be read on the same iPad, this explanation did not seem reasonable.
Another director said that this was being worked on and would be fixed in a few months.
Whatever the cause, this seems to be a serious problem, and I would hope it would be fixed in hours or days, rather than months.
2) Perceived ARRL Intellectual Property Issue
K6BP, the presenter mentioned above, had deduced that the ARRL was protecting QST content, and the necessity to be connected to the Internet was an outgrowth of that.
Perrins is an open source proponent. He had a slide essentially saying that he had published 25 or so books, and after a period of time, they all were available on the Internet. He is still getting royalties and has made enough money from them. He therefore is a good guy with his open source philosophy, and the ARRL is bad for over-protecting intellectual property.
I was asked things like, "How much time do you need to protect QST content?" I did not answer, as I'm not sure the ARRL, board or staff, has a clear policy on this. The League might consider discussing this.
3) 1.25 kHz Bandwidth Digital Voice Codec
Perrins first talk was on a codec which allegedly would give decent audio quality in a 1.25 kHz bandwidth. It sounded real to me.
I'm not sure where in our HF allocations such a mode is permitted, either FCC-wise or ARRL Contest-wise. If people use this mode in the digital bands, do the contacts count in our phone contests? It is something we might consider.
4) Bruce Perrins
I believe I may have diffused Perrins anger at the ARRL. I suggested the possibility of him speaking at a Southwestern Division Convention, and he responded positively.
5) Laura Smith's Presentation
FCC Amateur Enforcement Attorney :Laura Smith's presentation confirmed what we have been told by ARRL people who interface with her and other FCC staffers. She does not appear to understand Amateur Radio, doesn't do much, and doesn't appear to be planning to do much in the future.
A friend sent this out to some of his friends, and included me -
---------------------- Laura Smith, FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Enforcement "FCC Update" The joke at the FCC is that hams are just a bunch of old guys sitting in their basements in their underwear. Don't call me and tell me you know me. I do not know you. I only know two hams, Riley Hollingsworth (K4ZDH) and Bill [should be Bill Cross, W3TN]. I meet with Riley regularly for lunch. We do not talk about ham radio. If you're not having fun on the radio due to malicious interference to your regular net, go outside, do something else. I love the OOs, because they have procedures. Reports from other hams don't mean much to me. You tell me you know it's Pete that's causing the interference. I call the monitoring station. After they cuss me out [for making them listen to hams?] they tell me no, it's not Pete, it's Bob. Or they tell me it's coming from a whole bunch of different people at once. What am I supposed to do? I only have a few field agents, and they have to serve a wide area. Unless health and safety are affected [e.g. interference to aircraft or police], we never act immediately. We have to bundle up 5 or 6 cases in the same area before we can justify sending an agent into the field I can't do anything about interference from China [e.g. BY dragon] We can work with the Mexican authorities if interference is coming from there. Part 15 devices made here, causing interference? I can act. Devices made overseas and imported here, I can't do anything about it. Laura Smith ain't no Riley Hollingsworth, that's for sure. Think other end of the scale: "The worst friend we ever had"? ------------------
6) Pacificon
I thought the convention was well put together and decently attended. My guess was that over 10% of the attendees were from the Southwestern Division. Santa Clara is actually closer to the northern SWD members than are some of our Southwestern Division Conventions.
Dick Norton, N6AA _______________________________________________ arrl-odv mailing list arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org http://reflector.arrl.org/mailman/listinfo/arrl-odv